Additional Resources
- Guidance on Publishing Project Information [internal for UN credentials]
- UNDP Transparency Portal [public website]
Consistent with UNDP's Information Disclosure Policy,1 UNDP is committed to ensuring that relevant information about UNDP programmes and projects is disclosed to help affected communities and other stakeholders understand the opportunities, risks and impacts of the proposed activities. UNDP ensures that information on a programmes and/or project's purpose, nature and scale, and duration, and its risks and potential impacts, is made available in a timely manner, in an accessible place, and in a form and language understandable to affected persons and other stakeholders, including the general public, so they can provide meaningful input into programme and/or project design and implementation. Such disclosure considers any special needs of groups that may be disproportionately affected, disadvantaged or groups with specific information needs, such as due to disability, literacy, gender, mobility, language, and accessibility. Such disclosure occurs early in the programme and/or project development process in a timeframe that allows for meaningful effective consultation and on an ongoing basis. Among other disclosures specified by UNDP's policies and procedures, UNDP ensures that:
- A public record of stakeholder engagement throughout the project cycle is maintained and disclosed. In cases where it may be necessary to safeguard the identities of stakeholders, statistical information is recorded and disclosed.
- Stakeholder engagement plans are disclosed early in project development and summary reports of stakeholder consultations are disclosed in an accessible manner.
- Social and environmental screening reports are disclosed with programme and project documentation.
- Draft social and environmental assessments, including any draft management plans,2 are disclosed whenever possible before project appraisal formally begins and in all cases before any activities are undertaken that may cause adverse social and environmental impacts.
- Final social and environmental assessments and associated management plans are disclosed upon completion.
- Any required social and environmental monitoring reports are disclosed upon completion.
Footnotes: |
(1) See UNDP Information Disclosure Policy. (2) Draft and final management plans may include for example Environmental and Social Management Plans, Indigenous Peoples Plans, Resettlement Action Plans, Biodiversity Action Plans, Community Health and Safety Plans, Emergency Response and Preparedness Plans, Hazardous Materials Management Plans, Gender Mainstreaming Plans, Cultural Heritage Plans. |