Outreach and Communications
Additional Resources
Adoption and launch of the SES and accompanying Accountability Mechanism was an important milestone for UNDP. A crucial next step is ensuring that impacted communities, governments, and other implementing partners understand the SES and are clear about the multiple options the Accountability Mechanism offers to communities and individuals for resolving concerns and grievances.
UNDP staff at country and regional levels have been taking the opportunity to engage with government counterparts in the following contexts:
- Design of a new project document or substantive changes to an existing project, for example by jointly completing the Social and Environmental Screening Procedure (SESP), noting the new Project Document Template includes language on the new SES, SRM and SECU.
- In particular, design of a project proposal for the Green Climate Fund, Green Climate Fund and/or Forest Carbon Partnership Facility, noting that these funding sources require application of social and environmental safeguards.
- Design of a new Country Programme Document (CPD), noting that the new CPD Template includes language related to the need to apply social and environmental standards.
- Design of a new UN Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF), noting that the SES are a mechanism through which UNDP and its partners can fulfill – consistently across all UNDP activities – the UN Development Group’s (UNDG) three normative principles of Human Rights, Gender Equality, and Environmental Sustainability.
- Discussions about a high-risk project or sectoral portfolio, to offer UNDP’s support in mitigating social and environmental impacts and risk of conflict.
- Supporting an implementing partner respond to concerns and grievances from project affected stakeholders about the social and/or environmental impacts of a project.
- Design of a joint communication plan to ensure project stakeholders are aware of UNDP’s SES, SRM and SECU.