Roster of Experts
SES Roster of Experts
UNDP's Social and Environmental Standards (SES) Roster is created to respond to the needs of UNDP Country Offices, Regional Hubs and Headquarters units for quality technical assistance and services on meeting the requirements of the SES.
What is it?
The SES Roster consists of highly-qualified and experienced experts across the different thematic areas of the Standards. These experts can be recruited by UNDP staff to support the review or completion of the social and environmental screening, impact assessments and management plans, stakeholder engagement, and implementation of management and mitigation activities. With a pool of pre-vetted experts with CVs and references, the Roster aims to simplify and shorten the procurement process of experts for the benefit of the hiring units.
Areas of expertise the Roster covers include:
- Social and environmental screening and assessment (including environmental and social impact assessment and strategic environmental assessment)
- Human rights (including human rights based approach and human rights impact assessment)
- Gender equality and women’s empowerment (including gender mainstreaming and gender analysis)
- Biodiversity conservation and sustainable natural resource management (including mitigation and use of offsets, protected areas, forests, and water)
- Climate change and disaster risk reduction (including climate risk analysis, disaster risk, greenhouse gas emissions)
- Community health and safety (including infrastructure safety, health impacts, emergency preparedness)
- Cultural heritage (including chance find procedures, physical and intangible cultural resources)
- Displacement and resettlement (including Resettlement Action Plan, livelihoods)
- Indigenous peoples (including Free, Prior and Informed Consent, Indigenous Peoples Plans)
- Labour standards (including familiarity with ILO standards)
- Pollution prevention and resource efficiency (including pollution prevention plans, waste management, hazardous materials.
Steps to recruit SES consultants through UNDP’s ExpRes roster:
- Submit a request via the ExpRes Deployment Request Form: In the comments section, the requesting office can mention the name of any consultants whose CV they would like included in the long list and can also note that they are specifically seeking a consultant under the “SES profile”, noting also any relevant sub-profiles (the Terms of Reference should also be very clear that safeguards expertise are needed)
- Shortlisting: ExpRes roster team will prepare longlist (no more than 10 candidates) and send it to the SES roster managers who will have 48 hrs to prepare the shortlist. The shortlist of will be sent to requesting office by ExpRes roster manager (within 48 hrs), copying in the SES roster manager who provided the shortlist. The requesting office ranks and confirms the final shortlist with the ExpRes roster team. No formal desk review is needed as the roster has already been approved by ACP.
- Contacting shortlisted consultant(s): The ExpRes roster team will contact the short-listed candidate(s) for their availability and will share the list of available candidate(s), with their confirmed fee for the particular assignment, with the requesting office.
- Selecting preferred consultant: Based on ranking and availability, requesting office will select the preferred candidate.
- Contracting/deployment: The requesting office must share the signed IC contract(s) with the ExpRes roster management team, followed by a performance evaluation (an automated email will be sent) upon completion of the assignment. Any contract amendments need to be shared with the ExpRes roster management team as well, ensuring that the total cumulative amount stays below $100,000. If the amount is to exceed $100,000 after an amendment, the case needs to go to the local CAP and if it exceeds $150,000 then the case needs to be submitted to the RACP. These documents then need to be shared with the roster management team. If at the onset it is expected that an assignment will exceed $100,000 then regular IC procedures need to be followed and the roster cannot be used.
Who to contact?
For any additional questions or clarifications, or to submit feedback on the Roster, please contact our roster management team at info.ses@undp.org.
Join the Roster?
The roster will be updated on a periodic basis. For external experts interested in being considered for the roster please send your CV and a brief statement of motivation to info.ses@undp.org with a subject line of "SES Roster Application".