Our Team
Social and Environmental Standards Team
The UNDP Social and Environmental Standards Policy Team sits within UNDP’s Effectiveness Group in the Bureau for Policy and Programme Support (BPPS). The Effectiveness Group of BPPS provides programme-related corporate policy services and supports an organizational culture in UNDP that is flexible, responsive, collaborative, and accountable for high development impact.
In particular, the Effectiveness Group establishes the standards, policies, instruments, tools, systems, and processes used to deliver results across the organization to catalyze innovation and enable informed risk-taking, collaboration, and knowledge-sharing within UNDP and the development community.
For feedback and additional information, please contact:
Social and Environmental Standards (SES) Team: info.ses@undp.org
Social and Environmental Compliance Unit (SECU): SECUhotline@undp.org
Stakeholder Response Mechanism (SRM): stakeholder.response@undp.org